5 Ways to Maximize Your Longevity

Evening Lifespan Team

Just touching base and its back to basic’s on how to improve your health and maximise your longevity.

Have a look at these basic hints that are in your hands to implement within your lifestyle.

If you want to beat the average and maximize your longevity, what should you do? Here’s a list of things to consider:

  1. Exercise regularly. – Research indicates that moderate exercise, when practiced regularly, can actually roll back the clock on your DNA.
  2. Fill up your plate with vegetables. – While there are numerous debates about the best diet for increased lifespan, nearly every diet agrees that eating more vegetables is the way to go.
  3. Consider intermittent fasting (with many variations on how this is achieved). – Fasting has been shown to significantly extend the life (and improve health) of mice. Studies dating as far back as the 1930s have shown that caloric restriction extends the longevity of mice and other test species.
  4. A study published in Cell Metabolism in 2018 looked at 53 non obese human adults over a 2 year period. The test group restricted calories by 15%. Metabolic studies showed that the test group had evidence of less oxidative stress/damage compared to the control group.
  5. Get enough sleep. – Most people feel best when they get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
  6. Carefully manage your stress. – Stress can have unhealthy effects on your body and can promote unhealthy behaviours, as well, such as overeating or smoking.
  7. Cultivate personal relationships. Spending time with our loved ones actually does seem to improve longevity, maybe because it decreases stress or risky behaviours. One study led by researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School in England found that volunteers had a 22% reduction in mortality compared to non-volunteers.
  8. Don’t smoke or drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

How many of these basics tips do your cross off in your life??

For me, I exercise min 5 – 7 x per week, functional strength training with Cardio, Core strengthen and stretching on every second day. Its not easy but I feel amazing for it.

Meat and veg most night or its a meat and full salad with a 4 beans mix, chick pea’s and all the bells and whistles.

I am currently on day 3 of 7 for intermittent fasting to do a full reset. Its all in the mind.

I have a sleep routine in place now, min 6-8 hours, phone is on silent and sleep mode, low light / blacked out room and take a tri-magnesium to help wind down and prevent cramping during sleep.  Also using natural sounds like nature or rain / storm sounds to assist in getting to sleep.

I use meditation (apps like calm & plum village are very help full) / classical music / gardening / grounding exercises /  breathing exercises (I cant strongly recommend) just to name a few.

Personal relations play a big part, same same with stress.

Don’t smoke and I am off drinking for the next three months.

And I supplement with NMN / Trans – Res / NAC / Zinc / ACV / Tumric / Garlic / Vit D, C , B / Tri – Magnesium and CBD oil.

I am excited to see what positive changes that will happen in the coming months.

Feel free to comment your your thoughts and your longevity routine.