Building and Changing Habits

Hello Lifespan community, check out Peter Attia podcast with James clear regarding building and changing habits, it’s worth a listen to help you create positive changes in your life.

James Clear is the author of the New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits. His extensive research into human behaviour has helped him identify key components of habit formation and develop the “Four Laws of Behavioural Change.” In this episode, James provides insights into how both good and bad habits are formed, including the influence of genetics, environment, social circles, and more. He points to changes one can make to cultivate more perseverance and discipline and describes the profound impact habits can have when tying them into one’s self-identity. Finally, James breaks down his “Four Laws of Behavioural Change” and how to use them to create new habits, undo bad habits, and make meaningful changes in one’s life.

Let me know your thoughts on this podcast and see if you can implement these strategies to bring in positive change into your life.

Thanks for reading lifespans blog and see you next week.

Merry Christmas and happy new year.