Having at a look at why grip strength is important.

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Today is only a small bit of information but has big importance, Grip strength, how’s yours going? mine was above average last time it was tested, i am aiming to improve it over the next 3-6 months. I have put some exercises at the bottom of the article to help improve yours if your interested.

Why is grip strength important?

Not enough can be said about the importance of grip strength as you age. It’s one of the strongest physical associations with longer life. In AMA #27, we review in greater detail some of the studies which have demonstrated the association between grip strength and longevity, discussing the importance of grip strength as well as strength in general. In part, this association reflects the fact that grip strength serves as a great proxy for overall body strength and muscle mass, as gripping involves not only the muscles of the hand but also those of the arms and shoulder. (In fact, grip strength is commonly used as a metric for defining sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss.)

Grip strength is a very functional form of strength – given our reliance on our hands for countless everyday tasks, having a strong grip has an outsized impact on our quality of life. As I discussed in episode #202 (approximately 57 min into the recording), so much of your upper body is mediated through your hands. If your grip is weak, everything upstream of that is weak, which can often lead to injury.

When it comes to accidents, grip strength can directly make the difference between a good and a bad outcome. Having a strong grip gives you a greater chance of catching yourself after losing balance, thus avoiding the downward spiral in health that often follows a bad fall. In other words, grip strength complements eccentric strength: while eccentric strength improves stability and deceleration and makes us less likely to lose our balance, grip strength provides a back-up level of protection for those inevitable occasions when we do stumble. The better we are at gripping supports, the less likely that a lapse in balance will result in a full-fledged fall and serious injury. And as we increase in age, this delta between catch and no catch becomes increasingly important.

Grip Strength Exercises

So how can we incorporate grip strength training into a fitness routine? Below, I’ve linked videos featuring three of my favourite grip strength exercises.

If you are lifting weights regularly, it’s likely that you’re getting a fair amount of grip training already from staple exercises such as pull-ups and deadlifts. But supplementing with dedicated grip exercises, such as those listed above, can help ensure you’re getting maximal benefits throughout life and aren’t letting this important element of physical fitness fall under the radar.

“Although boosting strength overall can lead to improvements in grip, there’s a benefit to focusing on your grip specifically [including improving bone density],” says strength and conditioning coach Rocky Snyder, CSCS, author of strength training guide Return to Center. Snyder suggests these exercises as a starting point:

  • Ball squeeze: Grab a tennis ball and squeeze firmly repetitively for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Build up to several sets a day.
  • Plate pinch: Place two 5-pound weight plates together. Pinch the plates with thumb and forefinger and hold the plates down by your side. Take a walk and go as far as you can without the plates sliding out of your grip.
  • Farmer’s carry: Grip a heavy kettlebell or dumbbell in one hand and go for a walk. Go until your grip is about to fail.
  • Dead hang: Simply hang from a chin-up bar for as long as possible, maybe starting with 15 seconds and working your way up to longer holds a few times per week.

Even just doing finger and palm stretches and fists a few times per day can help alleviate strain in the hands and help with your grip strength sessions in the long run.

Let me know how you go.

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