How nutrition impacts longevity | Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D

Hello Lifespan Community, this is a must listen regarding the impacts of your diet to your longevity and ways to improve it. See the link and video below to learn more.

It’s really important that we be willing to change our beliefs about nutrition and other aspects of health as more data comes in.” —Matt Kaeberlein

Dr. Matt Kaeberlein is a globally recognized expert on the biology of aging and recurring on The Drive. In this episode, Matt explains his research findings on nutrition as it relates to aging and longevity, including the results from his recent review article in Science. From there, he and Peter dive deep into the literature on calorie restriction (CR), explaining the nuance, benefits for lifespan and healthspan, and potential downsides of CR. He discusses the epigenetic changes that occur with age and potential benefits and downsides of epigenetic reprogramming, often viewed as a panacea for reversing aging. Matt also explains the impact of dietary protein on aging, including the interesting dichotomy around how protein, a critical macronutrient, and rapamycin, a geroprotective molecule, have opposite effects on mTOR. Additionally, he talks about low-protein vs. high-protein diets and their effects on muscle mass and mortality, as well as the impact of IGF-1 signaling and growth hormone on lifespan.

I will be taking away a few good points from this podcast and implementing it into my lifestyle.

Feel free to comment your thoughts.

See you next week lifespan community.